The Effect of ABC Newsradio Australia on Students’ Listening on Third Semester Students of English Department Islamic University of Malang


  • Mohammad Kurdi Wijaya STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
  • Tera Athena STKIP PGRI Bangkalan



E-radio, listening achievement


                Listening is one receptive skill which represents students’ ability in understanding a
                language. Nowadays, media have certain rule to influence this listening skill; e-
                radio (ABC Newsradio Australia)
becomes one effective medium to increase
                students’ listening skill. This article aims to investigate the effect of e-radio on  
                listening achievement of third semester students of English department at 
                Islamic University of Malang. Pre-experimental research is used as the research  
                design with the pre-test and post-test as the main instrument. The result of T-test 
                showed that there is significant effect of the using e-radio on students’ listening  



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How to Cite

Mohammad Kurdi Wijaya, & Tera Athena. (2021). The Effect of ABC Newsradio Australia on Students’ Listening on Third Semester Students of English Department Islamic University of Malang. SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal, 6(1), 33–42.