Cultural Democracy in Learning English at Madura Boarding School


  • Moh. Hafidz Prodi Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
  • Moh. Arief Wahyudi Prodi Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Bangkalan



Cultural democracy, local language and the role of kiai


English is the language of daily life trains communication skills and job needs. This research
describes and analyzes about how cultural democracy in learning English is applied, maintaining
local language (Madurese language) and the role of kiai in curriculum making? The benefits of this
study as a theoretical reference and practice in learning English to maintain local language and
culture. This research was conducted at Madura Islamic boarding school using descriptive
qualitative approach with ethnographic research design, data collection techniques through
observation, interviews and documentation. While the way to analyzeis familiarizing and organizing,
coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. The results are always encouraging tutors
and students to shape the environment of English and develop students' knowledge with vocabulary
mastery through the “settoran” method. Conduct observations and teachings through “Fantsy
Morning” and “Bazar Exhibition” and involve managers and alumni in making policies. Learning
uses cooperative models by writing text in groups and reading text aloud. Speaking using English
as a pesantren regulation. Maintaining pesantren culture, starting to dress and learning activities.
Conducting curriculum development through deliberation to evaluate the entire set of activities and
learning outcomes. Assessing vocabulary mastery, writing skill and speaking skill successively.
Learning a cultural democracy-based language maintains the pesantren's value system and
enhances new abilities and knowledge of English and supports Madura (enggi-bhunten). While the
role of the kiai in making curriculum is that there are those who are involved directly and indirectly.


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How to Cite

Moh. Hafidz, & Moh. Arief Wahyudi. (2019). Cultural Democracy in Learning English at Madura Boarding School. Civic-Culture : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan PKN Dan Sosial Budaya, 3(1).


