Analisis Eksistensi Pedagang Berpindah Pada Pasar Nagari di Kecamatan Kamang Baru Kabupaten Sijunjung, di Tinjau dalam Kajian Sosiologi Ekonomi
Merchants Moving, Market, RevenueAbstract
The main focus of this research is to know the persistence of traders on the market
move in Kecamatan Kamang Baru Kabupaten Sijunjung, Provinsi Sumatera Barat seen
from the process of shifting market formation and behavioral patterns of actors in taking
economic action and see the existence of traders in the market move. The approach used is
qualitative approach with data collection method of observation, document and in-depth
interview. The selection of informants was done by purposive sampling and analyzed by
Miles & Huberman. The theory used is the theory of Max Weber, on the understanding of
actors acts expressed as social action as far as the action is concerned with the behavior
of other individuals and therefore directed at a particular purpose. The results of this
study indicate that the nagari market in Kecamatan Kamang Baru Kabupaten Sijunjung
has been around since the 1940's, called Pasar Pintu Batu, as a nagari market. Currently
the number of traders nagari market to move that is 8 markets. Market activity is
conducted from 07.00-12.00 WIB. The persistence of nagari market traders moves due to
several things, namely economic or income, morals, culture and trust. From the above
results it can be concluded that traders in the market are shifting due to the condition of
creating a good relationship between the seller and the buyer and the community around
the nagari market. Then the actions taken by the merchant and the seller as well as the
community have the same goal of gaining profit on the action taken.
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