Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Bilangan Rpangkat Dan Bentuk Akar Melalui Teknik Group Investigation Siswa Kelas Ix A Smp Negeri I Suruh.


  • Sutartik Sutartik SMP Negeri 1 Suruh


Hasil Belajar, Bilangan Berpangkat dan Bentuk Akar, Group Investigation


So far, classroom learning is still conventional without any variationlearning techniques.
Teachers are still dominate learning. The Lecture becomesthe main choice of teachers in conveying
learning. This case has an impact onlow understanding of concepts, resulting in low learning outcomes
students. The purpose of this classroom action research is knowing the increase of learning result of rank
number and squared root through Group Investigation technique of class IXA SMP Negeri 1 Suruh
Trenggalek District. The research is conducted in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II where each
cycle starts from planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result of research shows that
through Group Investigation technique there is an increase of learning result of rank and squared root
form. The improvement was an average increase of 5.36 from 79.84 in the first cycle and 85.20 in cycle
II, while the 12% improvement of 76% (19 children) in cycle I and 88% (22 children) at cycle II. Based
on these results, it can be concluded that the technique of Group Investigation can improve the learning
result of the rank numbers and squared root of the IXA students of SMP Negeri 1 Suruh Trenggalek



How to Cite

Sutartik, S. (2018). Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Bilangan Rpangkat Dan Bentuk Akar Melalui Teknik Group Investigation Siswa Kelas Ix A Smp Negeri I Suruh. Apotema : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 4(2), 71–76. Retrieved from