Proses Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Calon Guru Dalam Pembuktian Matematika


  • Soffil Widadah STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo


Proses Berpikir Kritis, Pembuktian Matematika


Mathematical proofing process requires skill in accordance with critical thinking indicators.
Effective critical thinking skills help in understanding the concept of mathematics This research aims to
analyze the critical thinking process of students of mathematics education teacher candidate STKIP PGRI
Sidoarjo in the mathematical proof. The analysis of critical thinking process in this research using a
qualitative approach. Research subjects were four students, consisting of two male students and two
female students who had the high mathematical proof capability. Teh subject to do mathematical proofing
problem followed by an interview. The tests and interviews were conducted to analyze the critical
thinking process of prospective teachers in mathematical evidence. The results showed that all subjects
had not met the overall indicator of the critical thinking process, which was to judge a conclusion
properly, to assess a specific statement, and to assess a mathematical principle in a statement



How to Cite

Widadah, S. (2018). Proses Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Calon Guru Dalam Pembuktian Matematika. Apotema : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 4(2), 64–70. Retrieved from