Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kalkulus Berbasis Web Moodle Pada Mahasiswa Stkip Qomaruddin Gresik


  • Mohammad Rifa’i STKIP Qomaruddin Gresik


media pembelajaran, kalkulus, web moodle


Research on the development of learning media calculus web-based moodle aims to describe the
level of media feasibility and student responses to learning media made. Target of this research is student
of STKIP Qomaruddin who take course of Differential Calculus in second semester period of 2017/2018.
The approach of research method used is ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation). Data analysis technique used is validation questionnaire to assess media design and content,
while to assess student response data in using calculus learning media used questionnaire response. The
results show that the media validation value of the media design and the content of the material is at a
percentage above 81% or the category is very valid to use. Then, the assessment of the student response
to the limited trial showed that 100% of respondents responded very positively, then in small class test
stated that 83.3% responded very positively, while in field trial showed 40% gave very positive response
and the remaining 60% of respondents stated positive response



How to Cite

Rifa’i, M. (2018). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kalkulus Berbasis Web Moodle Pada Mahasiswa Stkip Qomaruddin Gresik. Apotema : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 4(2), 27–32. Retrieved from