Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital Book Menggunakan Kvisoft Flipbook Berbasis Problem Solving


  • Pixyoriza Pixyoriza Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung


Digital Book, Kvisoft Flipbook, Problem Solving


This study aims to develop digital book learning media in mathematics using Kvisoft Flipbook
software based on Problem Solving in the material of the Class VIII Middle / MTs Pythagorean Theorem
and to test the feasibility of digital book media developed through experts and to know the attractiveness
of students' responses. Types of research and development (Research and Development). The steps of
research and development are guided by the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation). The development phase involves 6 validators assessing the feasibility of
the material and the media. The Implementation stage involves 80 students (30 students at Bandar
Lampung MTs 2, 30 students in Bandar Lampung Middle School 21, and 20 Bandar Lampung SMP 36
students). The instruments of data collection used were questionnaires or questionnaires. The data
collection technique uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is
descriptive quantitative data analysis.
The results of this study are knowing the feasibility according to experts which includes media
experts, material experts, practitioners also by knowing the attractiveness of the development of learning
media in the form of digital books in learning mathematics in the Pythagorean theorem material.
Validation results from material experts, media experts conducted in the 2 stages of the results the
average percentage of material experts was 86% and media experts were 86%. For the response of
students to learning media in the form of problem solving based digital books, the results of the score
were obtained for Bandar Lampung MTs 2 2 by 85%, Bandar Lampung SMP 21 at 86% and 36th SMP at



How to Cite

Pixyoriza, P. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Digital Book Menggunakan Kvisoft Flipbook Berbasis Problem Solving. Apotema : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 5(1), 31–39. Retrieved from