Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Pada Materi Fungsi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning


  • Fani Martina Muiz Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati


Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis, Fungsi, Problem Based Learning


The objectives of this research were to, (1) find out The Development of Learning Material after
being implemented to the students of class VIII Junior High School based on Students’ Mathematics
Comprehension Ability with using Problem Based Learning teaching style at the function lesson of class
VIII which was valid then being analyzed and described. This research also aimed to, (2) find out the
students’ score limit of each student viewed from School’s Limit Score, it was 75. The methods were
used in this research were qualitative and quantitative methods, the qualitative method was to analyze
limited trial on questions of Mathematics Comprehension Instrument Ability after the module of lesson
material was being validated, whereas the quantitative method was to find out the opinion matching or
Q-Cochran test. The data collection technique was done by using test instrument. The subjects in this
research were the Mathematics experts who consisted of Mathematics lecture, school’s Mathematicsteacher and 30 students of VIII at Junior High School 3 Majalengka to identify the problem that students
experienced and also with limited trial after the lesson material being implemented. The research design
was using development model of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation).
The result of this research showed there were still some problems which students got after using the
learning materials but it was not same with the first trial. The validation on Mathematics module learning
material was done by 5 valuators; they were three Mathematics expert lectures from FKIP Unswagati and
two Mathematics teachers from Junior High School. Based on validation result, it could be concluded that
the learning material of function module with students’ Mathematics comprehension basic ability with
using learning model of problem based learning was gotten the merging validation for students’ lesson
material for 82% its mean, it was suitable to be used in learning process, whereas for Q-Cochran Test at
the students learning material showed that Q count (8) was smaller than Q table (9,488) so Ho was
rejected H1 was accepted. It means, there was not different argumentation from significant experts. So, it
could be concluded that the learning material was suitable or it could be used/implemented at the learning
process. Whereas for teacher’s guidance learning material for 86% it means, it was also suitable to be
used in learning process. Whereas for Q-Cochran test at the teacher’s learning guidance that Q count (4)
was smaller from Q table (9,488) so Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. It means, there was not
different argumentation from significant experts. So, it could be concluded that teacher’s learning
guidance was suitable or it was able to be used/implemented in learning process. The students’ score
completeness after doing implementation of learning material was for 20% from 30 students who joined
limited experiment test of students’ Mathematics comprehension ability.



How to Cite

Martina Muiz, F. (2020). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Pada Materi Fungsi Dengan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning. Apotema : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 5(1), 19–24. Retrieved from